HotmixPro Smoke transforms the recipes of your cafè and your kitchen in unique and inimitable creations. HotmixPro Smoke is unique among the category of fast cold smokers.
HotmixPRO Smoke transforms the recipes of your cafè and your kitchen in unique and inimitable creations.
HotmixPRO Smoke is unique among the category of fast cold smokers.
The cold smoke does not go upwards, so it remains in contact with the product. Furthermore the smoking process at a low temperature prevents the development of bacteria and does not cook the product.
It is the first smoker of its category in which the smoke runs through a liquid.
The smoke will not just be really cold (there is the option of adding ice to the chosen liquid ), will also be enriched with the aromas taken from the liquid.
The liquid will be enriched as well with the aroma of the smoke that it has passed through and this will give the opportunity to the chef to reuse it in order to create new fantastic recipes.
It is connectable to all the HotmixPRO products, thanks to the special cap for use with the HotmixPRO thermal mixer range.
Between the union of HotmixPRO Smoke and HotmixPRO Dry, is possible to create an hot smoker with a perfect control of the temperature.
Power supply Low Voltage external power supply 12VDC/240VAV